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Navigating cold and flu season while breastfeeding

vitalia albertson • Sep 18, 2023

Back-to-school season is a time of excitement for many, but it also signals the start of the dreaded cold and flu season. For expectant mothers or those who are breastfeeding, managing illness during this time can be particularly challenging because the usual remedies may not be suitable. In this article, we'll explore various strategies to help boost your immune system and support your body if you happen to catch a cold or flu while pregnant or breastfeeding. Remember, the following information is not medical advice, and it's always essential to consult your healthcare provider with any concerns.

Stay Hydrated

First things first, let's talk about staying hydrated. It's super important when you're under the weather, even more so when you are pregnant or breastfeeding! Here are some hydrating options to consider:

   Bone Broths: These are like a warm, comforting hug for your body, packed with minerals great for healing and hydration! Bonus throw some veggies, protein and broth into the InstantPot for a nourishing healing meal!

   Mineral mocktails: It’s no secret I love incorporating mineral mocktails in my daily life, they are also important when under the weather to help you stay hydrated! Jigsaw or LMNT are my two go to’s

   Hot Tea: Sip on herbal teas like chamomile or ginger; great for hydration and also soothing a pesky sore throat or cough! Just avoid teas that contain herbs that can decrease milk supply like peppermint!

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Get some rest

I know, easier said than done! This might take some creativity or a little extra scree time to squeeze in. But, its super important to make sure you prioritize rest. The dishes in the sink can wait till tomorrow!

Breath Easy

Dealing with a stuffy nose or congestion is no fun during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Try these non-medication tricks:

Saline Drops: Look for safe saline drops like Xclear to clear up congestion.

 Humidifiers: Running a humidifier in your room can be a lifesaver for easier breathing.

 Nebulize: Nebulizing saline solution can help relieve congestion without the worry of medications that may not be suitable right now.

Bonus- run an air purifier in your home

Explore Homeopathy and Tinctures

These are two of my favorite remedies because they are safe for the whole family and can give symptom relief!

Earthly tinctures are a great place to start and they have alcohol free versions. The two we reach for the most are “feel better fast” and cough-be-gone.

Homeopathy (think the little blue borion tubes!) is another age old remedy that I love for breastfeeding and pregnancy!

Embrace old school remedies

Remember those eye rolls when your mom suggested warm lemon water and honey? Well, it turns out she knew what she was talking about! This age-old remedy not only soothes a sore throat but keeps you hydrated too.

Amp up your Immunity

During pregnancy/breastfeeding your immune system is already stressed, so focusing a little extra on support should be the name of the game during cold and flu season. Here's how: Focus on Whole Foods, ditching the processes snacks for ones with minimal ingredient!

Most of these can easily be incorporated as whole food sources!

   Vitamin C: A classic immune booster that you can easily add to your diet. I incorporate Vitamin C in my mineral mocktails as an easy button!

   Vitamin D: Make sure you're getting enough sunshine or consult your healthcare provider for supplements. Trying to get outside for a short walk or just sit in the sunshine is a daily priority, in the winter months it can be hard to get enough vitamin D, so supplementation might be needed depending on where you live!

   Zinc: This mineral can help you fight off infections. Smoked oysters are a great source of zinc and copper.

If I can only focus on 3 things while breastfeeding I prioritize: Mineral mocktails, taking magnesium and beef liver daily! I know for me personally they will pack the biggest punch in supporting my immune health and rebuilding minerals lost during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I know these three will fill in the gaps where my diet is lacking!

Medication and Breastfeeding

If your symptoms get severe and you need medication, make sure to choose options that are safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Infant Risk is a great resource for double checking if a medication is safe for you to take while breastfeeding or pregnant.

Lactmed data based another great medication resource

Surviving cold and flu season while pregnant or breastfeeding might have its unique challenges, but with these tools,  you'll be better equipped to handle that pesky cold!  Always remember to chat with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and treatments that suit your needs.

By vitalia albertson 01 Feb, 2024
You’re probably thinking, sure wellness is great and all but I am in the postpartum trenches and just need to figure out how to take care of my baby, my own wellness will come one day.
By vitalia albertson 31 Jan, 2024
As a Mom of 4 and IBCLC, I wish someone shared with me: (Even if you’re not a first time mom)👉🏻 Spend some time learning about breastfeeding before baby arrives. Prenatal visits with an IBCLC are worth their weight in gold (okay, I might be biased 😉).  If you’re a reader, here’s my favorite book.👉🏻 Mentally prepare for those first two weeks to all about learning how to feed your baby. It’s a lot… no sugar coating. But, it won’t always be that way!👉🏻 Measure your nipples for the correct flange size before baby arrives and order them off Amazon!👉🏻 Stock up on snacks that are filling. Breastfeeding hunger is a new level of hunger. I love keeping Just ingredients chocolate protein on hand for a quick protein shake! 👉🏻 Before you buy a breastfeeding pillow, try pillows ones you have at home. Couch throw pillows are great for breastfeeding! If you are eyeing one, check out this one, it’s my favorite!👉🏻 Practice different positions! You don’t have to feed in the same position you learned in the hospital.👉🏻 Don’t just focus on drinking water, electrolytes are super important too! This is the one I reach for daily.👉🏻 Make sure you’re nourishing your body too! If it’s hard to fit in meals, have a snack ready for each nursing session.👉🏻 Splurge on the nursing or hands free pumping bra, you’ll be living in them for the near future👉🏻 Have an IBCLC on speed dial.  I would love to support you on your journey, reach out to me here and book a visit for the first week baby is here. Support on your breastfeeding journey is so important to help you reach your goals and avoid the google dark hole of information Bonus:👉🏻Breastfeeding can feel like a roller coaster some days, never quit on a hard day, but know it’s okay to switch up your plan for what’s best for your family!  
By vitalia albertson 10 Sep, 2023
Meet Vitalia! A mom, nurse, IBCLC and avid lover of cold brew and gluten free treats!
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